viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

Images of Israel

The aim of this report is to present wuat is popular in Israel.
We interwiewed uor best friend by telephone. the questions concernad, free time, activities, sport and music.

Food: She told us about a especial food that her mother prepares .
the food are: falafel, kneidalaj, kipes, knishes, kreplaj and more. All birthdays and especial days her mother prepares this food. This foofd is very tradicional and popular in Israel so all people know it. Making the food it needs a long time and love but this is not a problem because every people likes to be in family with good food prepared with love.

Free time: She goes to school all the day and after that, sometimes she goes to park or rides a bike with her friends and sometimes she prefers going to her house and sleep or study.

Sport: She dosen t like sports very much. But at schoool she has to play football and handball two days a week.
Her father and all of her family like football and tenis.

Music: She said that she listens hebrew music, english and spanish music.
She also told me about spanish programs. She said that all programs of Aegentina, for example Floricienta, but they have started two months later than Argentina.
We were sorprised when she told us about the programs that she watches at the tv.
The rest of the things were similar, but we discovered that Israel is a very quite city.

lucia susterman, micaela berenbaum, leila pavlotzky, dana chmiel, julieta tuachi y sharon rakower

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